Marketing Automation

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Lima Consulting Group

Unlock the value of activating customer data

Create automated & meaningful engagement

Modern marketing tech is complex and dynamic. Because it’s hard, it’s uncommon for organizations to have the multidisciplinary capabilities necessary to effectively generate value from their data.

Why Use Marketing Automation?

Engage Customers​

  • As Individuals​
  • Based on what they do​
  • Continuously over time​
  • Wherever they are​
  • Directed towards a goal​
  • Measurable impact​


  • Real-time​
  • Location​
  • Behavior/Product​
  • Vertical or Account-Based​
  • Persona​
  • Predictive Recommendations​


  • Build brand preference​
  • Understand visitors​
  • Convert visitors​
  • Nurture and engage​
  • Cross-sell and up-sell​
  • Optimize campaigns​
  • Increase revenue​


of consumers say they are only likely to use a brand’s promotions if the promotions are tailored to previous interactions​


of Internet users expect and accept web personalization as part of their online experience​

Get a Complete View of Your Customers and Prospects, Enhance Experience through Engagement Maturity

Lima Consulting Group

For Visionaries: ​

  • Business Outcomes: LCG will help you identify the fastest paths to cash and help select the right technology, with the right portfolio of features, that needs to be implemented to attain your desired business outcomes.
  • Expertise: Our previous customers include several Fortune 100’s and high-volume marketing automation deployments.
  • Methodology: LCG’s focus on customer journey mapping and process engineering promotes on time, on budget delivery. We leverage market research, along with stakeholder interviews, to design and iterate winning customer experiences.
  • Consultative: We serve as trusted advisors to build the business case and digital strategy to help visionaries and change agents create their organizations digital future.

For Builders:

  • Activation: Personalized experiences for every customer.
  • Data Architecture: LCG has experience creating complex data architectures that will power your marketing automation tool for years to come.
  • Integrations: LCG has the experience to integrate your marketing automation platform with the systems that can trigger appropriate communications.
  • Documentation: LCG documentation for customer journey maps and business process maps provides standardization to realize scale and personalization.
Lima Consulting Group

Enhance Experience
through Engagement Maturity

R E A C T I V E P R E V E NTA TIV E P R O A C TIV E T R A N S F O RMA T I V E Enhancing Experience Through Engagement Maturity Point in Time Single Channel Campaigns Email Marketing Landing Page Creation Basic Segmentation Basic Social Presence Continuous Campaigns Inbound Marketing Email Drip Marketing Campaign Reporting Basic Engagement Intelligence for non-marketing groups Engagement Scoring Social Share & Sign-On Personalize Conversations Across Channels Cross & Omni-Channel Campaigns Dynamic Content Triggered Nuturing Behavioral Segmentation Revenue Analytics Web Personalization Lifelong Relationships Across Channels Lifecycle Nuturing Predictive Content/Offers Behavioral Triggers Marketing Calendar & Management Advanced Revenue Analytics Actionable Engagement Insights for non-marketing groups M A T U R ITY E U L A V C I G E T A R T S

Lead Scoring: We’ve built lead scoring algorithms for organizations large and small.

Effective lead scoring is crucial for optimizing your marketing automation efforts and ensuring the success of your sales team. While many organizations rely on out-of-the-box lead scoring algorithms, we recognize that this approach may not meet your unique business needs. That's why we take a different approach—one that involves collaboration, customization, and a focus on your customer base and desired business outcomes.

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Determining what qualifies as a good lead for your salespeople requires a thoughtful and deliberate process.

That process starts by asking the right questions. By engaging in design thinking workshops, we work closely with your sales teams to identify the specific attributes and behaviors that define a valuable lead. This collaborative approach ensures that the lead scoring system we develop aligns with your sales team's goals and caters to your customer's unique actions.

Our expertise in marketing automation and lead scoring is exemplified by a recent case study with a Fortune 500 company. They required a low quantity of extremely qualified leads. No platform offered a ready-made solution for their specific scenario. However, we leveraged our creative expertise and designed custom architectures to meet their requirements. The result was an efficient lead scoring system that delivered the right leads to their sales team, empowering them to achieve remarkable results.

When it comes to lead scoring,
we go beyond the conventional

Account-based Management: Marketing departments generally need to demonstrate their financial contribution to sales.

This is most easily done using account-based management features in the major marketing automation solutions. Many of our consultants have built their career exclusively providing consultative services around ABM.

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Lima Consulting Group

LCG partners with the Marketing Automation innovators:

Marketing Automations Tools

Discover the power of integrating Marketo with Adobe Analytics


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